About Me

I started this blog at the urging of my AK friends to help relay my moving to WA. I'm hoping this blog will evolve into a place where I share my home-decorating/remodeling, craft projects, and adventures in dog-ownership.

Thanks for reading!!

Christina - wrangell.penguin@gmail.com

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Drawers to Shelves

First some inspiration...  (Some found before, some found after).

We recently inherited a flat screen wall-mounted tv, and thus got rid of our huge entertainment center (thanks craigslist), and needed a place to house our DVD collection.  I remembered having seen one of those inspiration links and wanting to recreate. So another ReStore trip ended up with this...

Ta Da!!


Sonya said...

Very cool!!

Anonymous said...

It looks awesome! And the paper on the inside is a nice touch.

beabea said...

thanks for the idea. very well executed!

Julie said...

Thank you! I recently went to my first Habitat Restore and was blown away with the huge selection of drawers. Drawers? All sizes, fnishes, conditions and handles. NOW, thanks to you, I have an idea.