About Me

I started this blog at the urging of my AK friends to help relay my moving to WA. I'm hoping this blog will evolve into a place where I share my home-decorating/remodeling, craft projects, and adventures in dog-ownership.

Thanks for reading!!

Christina - wrangell.penguin@gmail.com

Friday, September 10, 2010

Map Deconstructions by Shannon Rankin

I know I keep saying "I could do that", but these look awesome and I could do that...

Map Deconstructions by Shannon Rankin: "

I just discovered the work of Shannon Rankin and I love what she’s doing! Her deconstructed maps are beautiful and the sheer number of works she has created is amazing. Currently, Shannon is raising funds for her first international show, check out her Kickstarter page if you’re interested in helping her out!



1 comment:

Anonymous said...