About Me

I started this blog at the urging of my AK friends to help relay my moving to WA. I'm hoping this blog will evolve into a place where I share my home-decorating/remodeling, craft projects, and adventures in dog-ownership.

Thanks for reading!!

Christina - wrangell.penguin@gmail.com

Friday, February 26, 2010

‘Crazy Art’ Documentary Explores Art Therapy, Schizophrenia

‘Crazy Art’ Documentary Explores Art Therapy, Schizophrenia

This looks really interesting. I'll have to see if I can add it to my netflix queue.

Tile Backsplash, grout!


So the grout looks grey in this picture, right? It dried completely white, very annoying. So I did research and ended up buying flat paint and painting all the grout lines, so it would match the caulking (and more importantly not show all the dirt and grime that white grout would show).
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And the final pictures!!

Also decided that the white outlet covers were a bit boring too, so sanded and spray painted those. I like them!  (Still need to seal the grout, but need a day where I can have the house doors open again.)

Kitchen Backsplash! (adhesive stage)

This Old House came this month, and it had finish your backsplash in a weekend, and since I have had the tiles since August, I decided it was time...
Prep, prep, layout first

The tiles I bought online (1" squares) and tiles I found at ReStore!

Yup, still working.
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Washer Necklaces!!

Found this idea, and went for it!!

My early morning set-up, complete with instruction on my fancy phone (and my book club book.)

Finished product!!

1 for me, 1 for Jessie's birthday!
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Poo Hole Continued...

We finished digging the hole, then added rocks to the bottom and wire mesh around the border to stabilize the walls.

We took a sturdy garbage lid and epoxied in the PVC pipe.  TW painted both for me too.  The handle on the lid was just glued and didn't last long with the dogs, we'll have to screw in a handle one of these days.

This is what is looks like.  Our very own Poo Hole!